Homemade Pasta Making Class
Every Wednesday @ 6:00pm

Marianaccis Pasta Making classes are limited to 8 people for us to give proper attention to each person. We are not taking deposits or credit card info for cancellations, so we ask that you make a commitment to your reservation and fully plan to attend. This will assure that we can manage your, and others, interest in this class, and maintain full “Classrooms”!

This “101” level class explores the basics of making pasta by hand. We will move into a 201 and 301 level as we move through the year. These levels will get into more difficult filled pastas and shapes, and explore Potato Gnocci, Ricotta Cavatelli and even Gluten Free Pasta. However, we can always regress back to “101” when we have new people.

Class Expectations

Pasta flour will be measured and given to each student along with any water, eggs, or spinach necessary to produce a specific pasta dough.

Pasta making students will learn and execute the basics of making various pasta doughs, by hand, using various Italian milled flours. We will produce 2 cut pasta shapes with our dough and create 2 filled pastas.

Tools will be provided for each student, and some tools will be available to purchase at the conclusion of the class (limited availability). Pasta will be dried and bagged for you to take home!

Every Wednesday
6:00pm – 8:00pm

Inside Marianacci’s Market(directly attached to Marianacci’s Restaurant)

Call for Reservations and for information on Kids Classes, Student Sessions and Group Classes!

1 (570) 693-1778